A surrogate’s secrets are(n’t) safe with me: patient confidentiality in the care of a gestational surrogateClaire Horner, Paul Burcher13 June 2018
A discussion on controversies and ethical dilemmas in prostate cancer screeningSatish Chandra Mishra6 July 2020
Sustainability principle for the ethics of healthcare resource allocationChristian Munthe, Davide Fumagalli, Erik Malmqvist5 November 2020
Redefining liberty: is natural inability a legitimate constraint of liberty?Zahra Ladan1 October 2020
Clinical ethics report on the resuscitation of a patient in the emergency department with an uncertain resuscitation status and an implantable cardiac defibrillatorGregory Neal-Smith, Adam Crellin, Rebekah Caseley6 April 2020
Dying individuals and suffering populations: applying a population-level bioethics lens to palliative care in humanitarian contexts: before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemicKeona Jeane Wynne, Mila Petrova, Rachel Coghlan19 June 2020
Who gets the ventilator? Important legal rights in a pandemicKathleen Liddell, Jeffrey M Skopek, Stephanie Palmer, Stevie Martin, Jennifer Anderson, Andrew Sagar11 May 2020
Technological moral enhancement or traditional moral progress? Why not both?Joao Fabiano30 March 2020