Table 1

Membership of CESS (valid responses n=39)

CategoryNumber of CECs with at least one member in this category (%, range)*
Total (n=39)Established previous to the pandemic (n=20)Established in response to the pandemic (n=19)
Doctor(s)39 (100, 2–10)20 (3–10)19 (2–10)
Nurse(s)37 (95, 0–6)18 (0–6)19 (1–6)
Allied health professional(s)37 (95, 0–5)20 (1–3)17 (0–5)
Trust/NHS manager(s)30 (77, 0–10)15 (0–4)15 (0–10)
Lay member(s)26 (66%)†1412
Practicing/academic lawyer(s)22 (56, 0–2)14 (0–3)8 (0–2)
Chaplain/faith leader(s)19 (49, 0–3)13 (0–2)6 (0–3)
Social worker(s)14 (36, 0–2)7 (0–2)7 (0–2)
Academic ethicist(s)/philosopher(s)11 (25%)†74
Ex-parent/patient8 (21, 0–5)4 (0–3)4 (0–5)
  • *Some responses were approximate numbers, and some individuals have dual role thus might be considered twice.

  • †These categories were yes/no answers and no numbers provided.

  • CEC, clinical ethics committee; CESS, clinical ethics support services; NHS, National Health Service.