Table 1

How the epistemic, control and diachronic conditions can vary along a spectrum of demandingness

ConditionLevel of demandingness
EpistemicExtensive knowledge about consequences of action, including their moral significance, and how to bring about/avoid particular consequences.Some knowledge about consequences of action, though potential for misunderstandings/failure to integrate into one’s own circumstances.Little knowledge about consequences of action and how it is relevant to one’s behavioural decisions/fulfilment of projects/moral obligations.
ControlTotal control over one’s behaviour, enacted with ease.General control over one’s behaviour though some struggle may be required and occasional failure to enact behaviour as intended.Poor control over behaviour.
DiachronicEpistemic and control conditions met on all instances of behaviour.Epistemic and control conditions met on many/some instances of behaviour.Epistemic and control conditions rarely/never met regarding particular behaviour.