Year | Body | Title | Key points |
2018 | Nuffield Council on Bioethics | Genome editing and human reproduction | Applications of HGE may be morally permissible if they are consistent with the welfare of the future person and social justice. This may allow for applications beyond preventing disease. Further research must be done into efficacy and safety and a broader societal debate must be facilitated, as well as ensuring adequate governance. |
2018 | Génome Québec & Centre of Genomics and Policy | Human genome editing: ethical and policy considerations | The modification of human germ cells and embryos should be permitted in a basic or preclinical research context, any future clinical germline modifications should be for serious diseases only (and criteria need to be outlined) and an inclusive approach to policymaking should be encouraged. |
2017 | National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine | Human genome editing: science, ethics and governance | If technical challenges relating to safety and efficacy were overcome, clinical trials for HGE should only be permitted if there is an absence of reasonable alternatives, be restricted to genes that clearly cause or predispose to a severe disability or disease, with conversion only to genes that currently exist in the population. Regulatory oversight and public debate is essential. No trials for purposes other than the prevention of disease should be permitted at this time, but public debate on the matter should be facilitated. |
2017 | American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG)† | Human germline genome editing: ASHG position statement |
2017 | Opinion Group of the Bioethics and Law Observatory, University of Barcelona | Declaration on bioethics and gene editing in humans | A moratorium is useless in an international and competitive scientific world. Regulatory frameworks are needed to govern any clinical application of germline genome editing, and it should not be used for enhancement. |
2017 | Council of Europe | Recommendation 2115: the use of new genetic technologies in human beings | Deliberate germline editing in human beings would cross a line viewed as ethically inviolable. A regulatory framework needs to be developed and a broad and informed public debate should be fostered. |
2017 | Federation of European Academies of Medicine (FEAM) | The application of genome editing in humans | There are major ethical, safety and efficacy issues that must be resolved before clinical applications of HGE can be considered. There is no broad societal consensus in Europe. Generally, FEAM does not support genome editing for non-medical interventions (including somatic genome editing), but anticipates a wide-ranging public discussion on this matter. |
2017 | European Academies Science Advisory Council | Genome editing: scientific opportunities, public interests and policy options in the European Union | It would be irresponsible to proceed with germline editing until the numerous safety and efficacy concerns have been resolved. There is a need for an ongoing forum. |
2017 | American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics | Genome editing in clinical genetics: points to consider | There are technical concerns (eg, the risk of off-target effects or epigenetic effects that may affect many future generations) as well as ethical concerns (which variants that are to be edited needs to be discussed at a societal level). |
2015 | National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine | International summit on human gene editing | It would be irresponsible to proceed with any clinical use of germline editing unless and until (i) the relevant safety and efficacy issues have been resolved, based on appropriate understanding and balancing of risks, potential benefits and alternatives, and (ii) there is broad societal consensus about the appropriateness of the proposed application. |
2015 | Academy of Medical Sciences (UK)‡ | Genome editing in human cells—initial joint statement | Ethical and regulatory questions must be debated before clinical applications of editing germ cells can be considered. |
2015 | Hinxton Group§ | Statement on genome editing technologies and human germline genetic modification | When all safety, efficacy and governance needs are met, there may be morally acceptable uses for HGE for reproductive purposes. Further debate as to what specific uses are morally acceptable is required. |
2015 | American Society for Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT) and Japan Society of Gene Therapy (JSGT) | ASGCT and JSGT joint position statement on human genomic editing | As available genome editing technologies are inadequately understood, and because the results of such manipulation could not be understood for decades or generations, these safety and efficacy concerns are sufficiently serious to support a strong stance against HGE. |
2015 | Alliance for Regenerative Medicine¶ | Do not edit the human germline | The scientific community is urged to engage in dialogue and put in place a voluntary moratorium to discourage human germline modification. This is due to scientific and ethical risks such as that permitting even unambiguously therapeutic interventions could start down a path towards non-therapeutic genetic enhancement. |
2015 | IGI Forum on Bioethics, Napa, California** | A prudent path forward for genomic engineering and germline gene modification |
2015 | International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR)†† | The ISSCR statement on human germline genome modification | Any consideration of applying nuclear genome editing to the human germline in clinical practice raises significant ethical, societal and safety considerations. Therefore, the ISSCR calls for a moratorium on germline genome editing in clinical practice (excepting mitochondrial replacement therapy), although in vitro research is supported. |
2015 | National Institutes of Health (NIH) | Statement on NIH funding of research using gene-editing technologies in human embryos | Safety, ethical and regulatory issues means that altering the human germline in embryos is ‘a line that should not be crossed’. NIH will not fund any use of gene editing in embryos. (N.B.: as of 2018, NIH is funding research into somatic cell genome editing). |
*Organisational recommendations are included here. A search was conducted using a branched strategy, beginning with the use of search terms in databases such as PubMed and Google Scholar using search terms such as ‘human heritable genome editing’, ‘germline gene editing’, ‘genome editing embryos’, ‘germline engineering’, ‘human germline editing’+‘ethics’, ‘policy’ and/or ‘recommendations’. Furthermore, citations and references were examined to generate further results. A large number of papers were identified discussing these issues, including a number of recommendations. Results were limited to those from 2008 onwards (ie, the past decade at time of writing); all papers by individuals or groups of individuals not representing an organisation, body or conference were discarded, as well as empirical research into opinions on germline editing by specific sectors of society (eg, general public, healthcare professionals). The final group of results was limited to organisations whose remit includes human genetics, genetics policy, bioethics, reproductive technologies and/or emerging technologies. Organisational responses to statements and journal editorials were not included. This list is not exhaustive.
†Statement endorsed by UK Association of Genetic Nurses and Counsellors, Canadian Association of Genetic Counsellors, International Genetic Epidemiology Society, US National Society of Genetic Counselors, American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Asia Pacific Society of Human Genetics, British Society for Genetic Medicine, Human Genetics Society of Australasia, Professional Society of Genetic Counselors in Asia, and Southern African Society for Human Genetics. The Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (an international multistakeholder group, including commercial stakeholders), released a statement supporting this position.
‡Joint statement with the Association of Medical Research Charities, the Medical Research Council and the Wellcome Trust.
§A group consisting of an international collection of academics from disciplines such as the life sciences, philosophy, medicine and economics, from universities including John Hopkins, Oxford and London School of Economics.
¶A group consisting of commercial companies, research institutions, non-profit organisations and patient advocacy groups. Corporations comprise 73% of stakeholders and thus this organisation should be primarily considered to represent the views of corporations such BD Biosciences, GE Healthcare, GSK, MilliporeSigma, Novartis and Pfizer, among many others. They later released a statement supporting the ASHG position statement (see footnote 1).
**A large number of expert stakeholders attended and made this position statement, including the inventors of CRISPR-Cas9.
††A non-profit organisation encouraging research into the use of stem cells.