Table 2

Demographic features of the cohort

Respondents (n)Percentage
Age (n = 235)
Result (n = 232) *
 No increased risk22797.8
 Increased risk of trisomies 13, 18 or 21 31.3
 Increased risk for a sex chromosome aneuploidy‡10.4
Highest level of education (n = 225)
 Primary school00
 Secondary school198.4
 Technical or trade certificate2712
 Bachelor’s degree10647.1
 Postgraduate qualification (eg, Masters, PhD)7332.4
Number of children (n = 227)
Further children planned (n = 223)
 Currently pregnant135.8
Marital status (n = 225)
Household income ($AUD) (n = 219)
 Less than $25 00010.5
 $25 000–$49 99952.3
 $50 000–$69 99962.7
 $70 000–$99 9992712.3
 $100 000–$129 9994621
 $130 000–$149 9993516
 More than $150 0009945.2
Political affiliation (n = 214)
Has a disability (n = 226)
Has close family member with a disability (n = 224)
  • *The proportion of women who received any high-risk result was 2.2%, comparable to the overall number of high-risk results from the percept test (2.1%, internal VCGS data).

  • †All confirmed with invasive diagnostic testing; all three pregnancies were terminated.

  • ‡False positive.