Sex | Yes | Not clinically relevant | N/A |
Trisomy 21 | Yes | Intellectual, physical | Congenital |
Trisomies 13 and 18 | Yes | Intellectual, physical | Congenital |
Mental illness | No | Psychiatric | Mixed |
Non-medical traits such as increased or decreased intelligence | No | Not clinically relevant | N/A |
Low-functioning autism | No | Psychiatric, intellectual, developmental | Mixed |
High-functioning autism | No | Psychiatric, intellectual, developmental | Mixed |
Impulse control disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) | No | Psychiatric, developmental | Mixed |
Antisocial traits | No | Psychiatric | Mixed |
Sex chromosomal aneuploidies with 20% decrease in intelligence quotient (IQ) and normal fertility | Yes | Intellectual | Congenital |
Sex chromosomal aneuploidies with 10% decrease in IQ and infertility | Yes | Intellectual, fertility | Congenital |
Deafness | No | Physical | Congenital/early |
Preventable adult-onset conditions such as heart disease or cancer | No | Physical | Adult |
Non-preventable adult-onset conditions such as early-onset Alzheimer disease | No | Physical, degenerative | Adult |