Attribute% Importance% Importance% Importance% Importance
Life expectancy with transplant19*24*212221221924
Quality of life with transplant20†12†161616161616
Time waiting7†15†9*17915915
Life expectancy without transplant4*7*393928
Adherence to medical regimen25*17*21%2321232220
Social support212024*824*12*26*12*
  • Attribute importance estimates are shown as percentages and convey the overall influence each attribute had in respondents’ profile choice, conditioned on the particular attributes and levels in the survey, with higher numbers conveying more relative influence. The likelihood ratio test was used to compare the difference in attribute estimates between the subgroups (ie, involved in psychosocial evaluation versus not involved).

  • *Represents a significant difference in importance ranking between subgroups for the specified attribute, with likelihood ratio test p<0.05.

  • †Represents a significant difference in importance ranking between subgroups for the specific attribute, with likelihood ratio test p<0.1.