Table 2

Relevance and utility of PDE in relationship to symptom management at EOL

No of respondentsPercentage (%)
How relevant is the PDE in morally justifying optimal pain and other symptom management at EOL?
 Extremely relevant2339
 Very relevant1932
 Somewhat relevant1322
 Not very relevant12
 Not at all relevant35
How useful is the PDE in morally justifying optimal pain and other symptom management at EOL?
 Extremely useful1220
 Very useful2948
 Somewhat useful1322
 Not very useful35
 Not at all useful35
Which groups would benefit from an explanation of how the PDE might justify optimal pain and other symptom management at EOL?
 Medical students5589
 Resident physicians5589
 Attending physicians5487
 Patients' families5284
 I do not believe the PDE should be used to justify pain management at EOL47
  • EOL, end of life; PDE, principle of double effect.