Table 4

Average stay time measured in seconds for each level and estimation of the average reading time needed per level per question (based on average adult reading 200 words per minute)

Average time spent level 1Average adult reading time level 1Average time spent level 2Average adult reading time level 2Average time spent level 3Average adult reading time level 3Total time spent
Mean (SD)Mean (SD)Mean (SD)Mean (SD)
1. What is our research about?7.6 (7.9)6.324.0 (43.1)25.243.7 (54.3)62.417.4 (34.6)
2. Why are we doing this research?17.3 (17.7)8.429.0 (23.2)41.150.7 (30.2)98.424.6 (17.1)
3. Why have you been invited to take part?7.3 (6.9)9.614.3 (10.3)4819.3 (26.8)External link*10.0 (11.8)
4. What would we like you to do?14.8 (74.9)17.121.0 (44.2)24.640.1 (19.9)110.120.0 (77.2)
5. Who will see the information collected?10.5 (66.5)9.021.9 (21.9)77.115.7 (12.9)4513.1 (66.7)
6. What will happen to the information collected?11.9 (39.7)12.917.0 (20.9)39.616.6 (27.8)Link to scientific paper*14.5 (40.8)
  • The number of words on each level is displayed in table 1.

  • * The average adult reading time was calculated only for levels that included text and not links to external information.