Table 2 Analysis of patients who chose the answer “to benefit from the best treatment” (N = 193) for the reason for their participation versus patients who chose an alternative answer (N = 86)
Reason is NOT to benefit from the best treatment (%)Reason IS to benefit from the best treatment (%)Missing data (%)p Value
Education4 (1.4)0.12
Primary13 (27.7)34 (72.3)
Secondary26 (24.5)80 (75.5)
University45 (36.9)77 (63.1)
Functional22 (17.7)102 (82.3)
Vital64 (41.3)91 (58.7)
Acute41 (43.6)53 (56.4)
Chronic45 (24.3)140 (75.7)
Life expectancy0.001
<1 month00
>1 month <5 years46 (44.2)58 (55.8)
>5 years40 (22.9)135 (77.1)
Signature of consent16 (5.7)0.04
Immediate29 (34.9)54 (65.1)
Same day16 (44.4)20 (55.6)
Later34 (23.6)110 (76.4)