Table 2

Summary of opinions about moral consequences of futile measures (n=43)

YearRef(B1) Professionals:(B2) Communication:(B3) Responsibility:
a–f = slightly different statements in the same article.
(B1) Health care professionals may, ought or should withhold or withdraw the measure.
(B2) With or without communication (with the patient, the family or others) about the different options.
(B3) Responsible for the decision to withhold or withdraw the measure (HCP = health care professionals).
1987 18 shouldNo informationHealth care professionals
1988 11a mayNo informationHealth care professionals
1988bshouldNo informationHealth care professionals
1988 13a mayNo informationHealth care professionals
1989 6 mayNo informationHealth care professionals
1990 1 mayNo informationHealth care professionals
1990 14 mayDialogueHealth care professionals
1991 19 mayDialoguePatient, if not HCP
1992 12 mayNo informationHealth care professionals
1992 19* mayDialogueHealth care professionals
1992 46 oughtDialogueJoint decision making/patient
1992 47 mayDialogueAppeal (ethics comm.)
1993 23 mayNo informationAppeal (joint bodies)
1993 30 shouldHealth care professionals
1993 32 DialogueHealth care professionals
1993 22a shouldInformationHealth care professionals
1994 24
1994 25 mayDialoguePatient/family
1994 34 DialoguePatient/family
1994 9 Appeal
1995 17 mayHealth care professionals
1995 21 mayDialoguePatient/family
1995 2 shouldInformationHealth care professionals
1995 3 DialogueAdvance directive
1995 15 No informationHealth care professionals
1995 26 should notDialoguePatient/family
1995 37a shouldDialoguePatient/family
1995 28 mayInformationAppeal
1996 4 mayDialoguePatient/family
1996 27 DialogueHealth care professionals
1996 31 shouldDialoguePatient/family
1996 33 oughtAdvance directive
1997 39 DialogueJoint
1997 5 mayDialogueJoint, if not appeal (ethics comm.)
1997 35 Dialogue
1997 36 DialogueHealth care professionals
1997 38 DialogueJoint
1997 10 mayDialogueJoint, if not HCP
1997 40 mayJoint
1998 43a should notNo informationHealth care professionals (UK)
1998bshould notDialoguePatient (US)
1998 29 should
1998 45 DialogueHealth care professionals
1999 44 mayPatient/advance directive, if not HCP
1999 42 Dialogue
2000 41 may or shouldDialogueJoint