Table 1

 Main characteristics of hospital non-survivors

Characteristicn (%)
ICU, intensive care unit.
*Details on source of admission were not available in 116 children.
Patients were admitted to their location of death from other wards within the same hospital.
Age group
    Infants (<1 year)650 (57.7)
    Children (1–14 years)407 (36.1)
    Young adults (>14 years)70 (6.2)
Diagnostic category
    Congenital malformations250 (22.2)
    Cardiovascular168 (14.9)
    Gastroenterological28 (2.5)
    Infections46 (4.1)
    Injury/poisoning85 (7.5)
    Metabolic disorders37 (3.3)
    Neoplasms140 (12.4)
    Neurological83 (7.4)
    Perinatal diseases204 (18.1)
    Respiratory78 (6.9)
    Other8 (0.7)
Location of death
    ICU966 (85.7)
Source of admission(n = 1011)*
    Home55 (5.4)
    From within hospital213 (21.1)
    External referral743 (73.5)