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Parsing placebo treatments: a response to Barnhill and Miller
  1. Shane Nicholas Glackin
  1. Correspondence to Dr Shane, Nicholas, Glackin, Egenis, the Centre for the Study of the Life Sciences, University of Exeter, Exeter EX4 4RJ, Devon, UK; shane.n.glackin{at}


Anne Barnhill and Franklin Miller dispute my claim that the prescriptions of placebo treatments to patients are not typically deceptive, and do not typically violate the patients' informed consent. However, Barnhill and Miller seriously mischaracterise my position in two ways, as well as failing to show that the procedure I discuss requires a physician to act wrongfully in deceiving her patient. Accordingly, I find their argument unpersuasive.

  • Informed Consent
  • Applied and Professional Ethics
  • Truth Disclosure
  • Ethics
  • Paternalism

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