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Author meets critics: response
Saviour Siblings: reply to critics
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Competing interests None declared.
Provenance and peer review Commissioned; internally peer reviewed.
↵i My threshold extends beyond harm to address Kantian concerns about commodification.
↵ii Taylor-Sands M. Saviour Siblings: A Relational Approach to the Welfare of the Child in Selective Reproduction. Routledge, 78, 2013. Quote taken from Robert A Crouch and Carl Elliott, ‘Moral Agency and the Family: The Case of Living Related Organ Transplantation’ (1999) 8 Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 275, 283.
↵iii Gleitman v Cosgrove, 227 A 2d 689 (NJ, 1967).
↵iv Taylor-Sands, above n 2, 83–7.
↵v Ibid 87, 90.
↵vi Ibid 82.
↵vii Ibid 103.
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- Author meets critics: response
- Author meets critics: response
- Author meets critics: response
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