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Questioning the significance of the non-identity problem in applied ethics: a reply to Tony Hope
  1. Rob Lawlor
  1. Correspondence to Dr Rob Lawlor, Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied CETL, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK; r.s.lawlor{at}


In this paper I reply to Tony Hope’s response to my non-identity paper, aiming to clarify the nature of my objections, and also to address, briefly, Hope’s suggestion that the implications of my view are that any book written for a lay audience ought to seek to present a ‘balanced overview’. Essentially, I suggest that there may be a pro tanto consideration in favour of such an approach, but this would only be one consideration, to be weighed against competing considerations.

  • Applied and Professional Ethics
  • Research Ethics
  • Philosophical Ethics
  • Publication Ethics
  • Reproductive Medicine

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