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Treatment-resistant depression and physician-assisted death
  1. Franklin G MIller
  1. Correspondence to Dr Franklin G MIller, Weill Cornell Medical College, 1305 York Ave, New York, NY 10021, USA; fmiller{at}


In a recent article, Udo Schuklenk and Suzanne van de Vathorst argued in favour of a legal option of physician-assisted death for patients with ‘treatment-resistant’ depression. In this commentary, I contend that their argument neglects the important consideration of the professional integrity of physicians. In light of this consideration, coupled with uncertainty about whether additional interventions with the patient can improve quality of life and restore the will to live, it is not appropriate to include patients with ‘treatment-resistant’ depression within a legal option of physician-assisted death.

  • Clinical Ethics
  • Death
  • Euthanasia

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