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‘She can't come here!’ Ethics and the case of birth centre admission policy in the UK
  1. Mandie Scamell
  1. Correspondence to Dr Mandie Scamell, Early Years Division, School of Health Sciences, City University London, 20 Bartholomew Close, London EC1A 7QN, UK; mandie.scamell.1{at}


Using ethnographic data lifted from an investigation into midwifery talk and practice in the South of England, this paper sets out to interrogate the ethics underpinning current admission policy for Free Standing (midwifery led) Birth Centres in the UK. The aim of this interrogation is to contest the grounds upon which birth centres admissions are managed, particularly the over-reliance on abstract calculations of risk—far removed from the material lived experience of the mother wishing to access these birth centre services.

  • Autonomy
  • Women
  • Right to Healthcare
  • Philosophy of Nursing

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