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Why should the baby live? Human right to life and the precautionary principle
  1. Benedetto Rocchi
  1. Correspondence to Dr Benedetto Rocchi, Department of Economics and Management, Vua delle Pandette, 32, 50127 Florence, Italy; benedetto.rocchi{at}


This paper discusses the issue of ‘post-birth abortion’ from an applied perspective. Three hypothetical situations where a newborn considered as a ‘potential person’ is at risk of being killed are proposed to highlight the potential controversial outcomes of post-birth abortion. The internal consistency of the argument proposed by Giubilini and Minerva to morally justify newborn killing is contested as well. Finally, an alternative moral strategy based on the precautionary principle and excluding any distinction between potential and actual persons is proposed as rational.

  • Abortion
  • Quality/Value of Life/Personhood
  • Newborns and Minors
  • Rights
  • Social Aspects

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