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Metastatic unknown primary tumour presenting in pregnancy: a rarity posing an ethical dilemma
  1. Shalini Patni1,
  2. John Wagstaff2,
  3. Nasima Tofazzal3,
  4. Myriam Bonduelle3,
  5. Marsham Moselhi3,
  6. Euan Kevelighan3,
  7. Steve Edwards3
  1. 1Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, UK
  2. 2Department of Medical Oncology, University of Wales, Swansea, UK
  3. 3Singleton Hospital, Swansea, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr Shalini Patni
 University Hospital of Wales, 33 Marshfield Road, Castleton, Cardiff, UK; shalinipatni{at}


This brief report raises the ethical dilemma encountered by an obstetrician involved in the care of a pregnant woman with life-threatening disease. This is a particularly difficult issue if the maternal well-being is in conflict with the survival of the unborn child.

  • ethics
  • fetus
  • malignancy
  • pregnancy
  • unknown primary

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