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Consent for anaesthesia in cataract surgery
  1. S Kashani1,
  2. P Kinnear2,
  3. B Porter2
  1. 1Department of Ophthalmology, Charing Cross Hospital NHS trust, London, UK
  2. 2Charing Cross Hospital NHS Trust, London, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
 Shahram Kashani BSc
 MRCP, MRCOphth, Ophthalmology Specialist Registrar, Department of Ophthalmology, c/o Eye secretaries, Charing Cross Hospital NHS trust, Fulham Palace Road, W6 8RF, UK; shahdoc{at}

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Cataract surgery has evolved rapidly over the last decade. Previously such cases required admission for prolonged postoperative convalescence. However, currently such procedures are carried out as day cases. An area where significant change has evolved is the role of anaesthesia in cataract surgery.

Recently, a growing number of surgeons have been performing cataract surgery using topical drops to achieve anaesthesia. However, case selection and operator experience impose a limit on the use of topical anaesthesia.1 Other local techniques for delivering …

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