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Hospital based ethics, current situation in France: between “Espaces” and committees
  1. M Guerrier
  1. Espace éthique/AP-HP, Département de recherche en éthique Paris-Sud 11, France
  1. Correspondence to:
 Marc Guerrier
 Espace éthique/AP-HP, 1 avenue Claude Vellefaux, 75475 Paris Cedex 10; marc.guerrier{at}


Unlike research ethics committees, which were created in 1988, the number of functioning hospital based ethical organisations in France, such as clinical ethics committees, is unknown. The objectives of such structures are diverse. A recent law created regional ethical forums, the objectives of which are education, debate, and research in relation to healthcare ethics. This paper discusses the current situation in France and the possible evolution and conflicts induced by this law. The creation of official healthcare ethics structures raises several issues.

  • CCNE, Comité consultatif national d’éthique
  • hospital ethics committees
  • clinical ethics
  • France

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