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Medical ethics manual: does it serve its purpose?
  1. Per Nortvedt
  1. Correspondence to:
 Per Nortvedt
 Associate Professor, Dr Polit Section for Medical Ethics, Department of General Practice and Community Medicine, The Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, PO Box 1130 Blindern, 0318 Oslo, Norway; p.nortvedt{at}


World Medical Association. Ethics manual. Ferney-Voltaire: WMA, 2005. (available for download). This manual of medical ethics is meant to serve the purpose of a guiding teaching aid for medical students as well as physicians. It was decided upon and planned by the World Medical Assembly in 1999 and the work was supervised and coordinated by the WMA Ethics Unit.

  • ethics manual
  • ethics theory
  • health care professions
  • medical students
  • professional ethics

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