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Presenting behavioural genetics: spin, ideology, and our narrative interests
  1. N C Manson
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr N C Manson
 King’s College, Cambridge, CB2 1ST, UK;


A short review is given of the Nuffield Council’s report on behavioural genetics. This review is used as an entry point to a discussion of the factors that influence the presentation of behavioural genetics in the media and in the popular scientific press. It is argued that our interest in formulating narrative explanations of our individual lives puts pressure on publishers and editors to present behavioural genetics in a selective, misleading, way. Some other influences on presentation are discussed and it is suggested that the Nuffield report is particularly useful in so far as it lacks these distorting influences.

  • Nuffield Council on Bioethics
  • behavioural genetics
  • genetics in the media

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  • * Thanks to an anonymous JME referee for pointing me toward this.

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