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Helping medical students to find their moral compasses: ethics teaching for second and third year undergraduates
  1. S Roff,
  2. P Preece
  1. Centre for Medical Education, Dundee University Medical School, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
 Mrs S Roff
 Centre for Medical Education, Dundee University Medical School, 484 Perth Road, Dundee DD2 1LR, UK;


The paper describes a two week course that has been offered as a special study module to intermediate level (second and third year) undergraduate medical students at Dundee University Medical School for the past five years. The course requires students to research the various aspects of ethical dilemmas that they have identified themselves, and to “teach” these issues to their colleagues in a short PowerPoint presentation as well as to prepare an extended 3000 word essay discussion. The course specifically asks students not to disclose their own ethical positions, as these are probably still in formation and the objective is to promote critical thinking capacity in ethical and moral issues as a prelude to the development of practical skills in dealing with clinical problems. The course is easy to resource for the school and has received universally high evaluations from the students since its inception.

  • GMC, General Medical Council
  • course description
  • moral development
  • teaching
  • undergraduate

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