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The law and ethics of male circumcision: guidance for doctors
  1. British Medical Association
  1. Correspondence to:
 Medical Ethics Department, British Medical Association, BMA House, Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9JP, UK;


1. Aim of the guidelines

2. Principles of good practice

3. Circumcision for medical purposes

4. Non-therapeutic circumcision

 4.1. The law

  4.1.1. Summary: the law

 4.2. Consent and refusal

  4.2.1. Children’s own consent

  4.2.2. Parents’ consent

  4.2.3. Summary: consent and refusal

 4.3. Best interests

  4.3.1. Summary: best interests

 4.4. Health issues

 4.5. Standards

 4.6. Facilities

 4.7. Charging patients

 4.8. Conscientious objection

5. Useful addresses

  • circumcision
  • guidelines
  • BMA, British Medical Association
  • GMC, General Medical Council

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