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Ethical and professional conduct of medical students: review of current assessment measures and controversies
  1. K Boon1,
  2. J Turner2
  1. 1Royal Brisbane Hospital, Herston, Australia
  2. 2Department of Psychiatry, University of Queensland, Australia
  1. Correspondence to:
 J Turner
 Department of Psychiatry, University of Queensland, K Floor, Mental Health Centre, Herston 4029, Australia;


As medical education increasingly acknowledges the importance of the ethical and professional conduct of practitioners, and moves towards more formal assessment of these issues, it is important to consider the evidence base which exists in this area. This article discusses literature about the health needs and problems experienced by medical practitioners as a background to a review of the current efforts in medical education to promote ethical conduct and develop mechanisms for the detection and remediation of problems.

  • medical education
  • professional development
  • assessment

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