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Extending the Boundaries of Care: Medical Ethics and Caring Practices
  1. A Bradshaw
  1. A.Bradshaw{at}

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Edited by T Kohn and R McKechnie. Berg Press, 1999, £42.00 (cloth), £14.99 (pb), pp 206. ISBN 1-85973-141-4

The title of this book embraces a subject that is very topical in the field of health care. It is a collection of papers most of which were initially presented at the Centre for Cross-Cultural Research on Women. All but one of the authors are women. The papers themselves are very disparate, covering diverse topics in a variety of ways. Subjects covered include a daughter’s story of her mother’s dying and death from undiagnosed Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease; the problems for parents raising triplets; issues arising from the Depo-Provera contraceptive debate; the nature of human rights in relation to medical care; disease prevention; methods of research in relation to HIV and men who have sex with men, and nurses’ moral/political voices as expressions of care. Each writer’s subject …

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