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Designer Myths: The Science, Law and Ethics of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis
  1. Dr Anneke Lucassen, Consultant/Senior Lecturer
  1. Clinical Genetics, The Princess Anne Hospital, Southampton

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    Kay Chung, London, Progress Educational Trust, 1999, 23 pages, £5.00.

    This booklet is the first in a series of publications called Briefings in Bioethics by the Progress Educational Trust (PET) charity. Funding from the Department of Health has facilitated the series, which aims to cover a range of ethical issues in biomedicine. Designer Myths is written by the trust's communications officer, Kay Chung, and examines the scientific, legal and ethical issues arising from preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD).

    With advances in the ability to test for a growing number of specific genetic diagnoses and developments of …

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