Table of contents
December 1991 - Volume 17 - 4
Research Article
- From the patient's point of view: medical ethics and the moral imagination. (1 December, 1991)
- Resource allocation: idealism, realism, pragmatism, openness. (1 December, 1991)
- Unprincipled QALYs: a response to Cubbon. (1 December, 1991)
- HIV, confidentiality and 'a delicate balance': a reply to Leone Ridsdale. (1 December, 1991)
- Consent in paediatrics: a complex teaching assignment. (1 December, 1991)
- Animal experimentation (but without man at the centre of the universe) (1 December, 1991)
- Death in Denmark: reply to Lamb. (1 December, 1991)
- Ethics of preventive medicine: response to McPherson. (1 December, 1991)
- Man is qualitatively different from animals (1 December, 1991)
Book Review
- Safer Childbirth (1 December, 1991)
- Organ Transplants and Ethics (1 December, 1991)
- Torture Survivors — a New Group of Patients (1 December, 1991)
- The Abuse of Casuistry: A History of Moral Reasoning (1 December, 1991)
- Proceed with Caution: Predicting Genetic Risks in the Recombinant DNA Era (1 December, 1991)
- By What Right?: Studies in Medicine, Ethics and the Law (1 December, 1991)
- Undergraduate Medical Ethics Education (1 December, 1991)
- Birthrights: Law and Ethics at the Beginnings of Life (1 December, 1991)
- Keepers: Inside Stories from Total Institutions (1 December, 1991)