Table 4 Editors’ perceptions of the usefulness of available resources
ResourceMean usefulness score* (No)
All respondentsHealthcare editors
Blackwell helpdesk2.46 (13)2.50 (6)
ICMJE Uniform Requirements2.35 (37)2.41 (29)
WAME2.30 (10)2.22 (9)
COPE2.11 (36)2.13 (30)
CSE2.11 (9)2.29 (7)
Blackwell Best Practice Guidelines2.03 (60)2.03 (32)
EASE2.00 (5)1.50 (2)
EMWA guidelines1.88 (8)1.71 (7)
Other journals’ instructions1.84 (108)1.83 (59)
GPP1.80 (10)1.89 (9)
  • *Usefulness was rated on a scale of 0  =  not useful, 1  =  quite useful, 2  =  useful, 3  =  very useful.

  • COPE, Committee on Publication Ethics; CSE, Council of Science Editors; EASE, European Association of Science Editors; EMWA, European Medical Writers Association; GPP, Good Publication Practice for pharmaceutical companies; ICMJE, International Committee of Medical Journal Editors; WAME, World Association of Medical Editors.