Table 5

Vignette 5 Terminal prostatic cancer with septicaemia

*The responses to the vignettes which reflect ethical rather than medical reasoning.
    Admit85 thought the patient was treatable
1 said it depended on the premorbid state
1 did not specify
1 thought it depended on how terminal the patient was but would only not admit if they were previously unconscious
    NH care52 because of the terminal nature of the disease
1 because the patient could be treated in the NH
1 would first try to treat in the NH but if the patient deteriorated may decide to admit
1 would treat in NH. May ring someone for advice if no improvement.
    Unsure42 because it depended on what the relatives wanted
1 because it depended on what the patient wanted and how terminal he was
1 because it depended on how advanced the cancer was
    Admit6All said septicaemia is reversible with IV antibiotics
    NH care73 because the patient is terminally ill
2 because treatment could be provided in the NH
1 provided IV antibiotics could be administered in the NH
1 because there was an argument for him to be kept comfortable*
    Unsure52 because not enough information was provided
2 because they were unclear as to how terminal the patient was
1 because there is no blanket rule*