Table 1

 The Rosser and Kind map of health states

From Menzel PT. Strong medicine:the ethical rationing of health care. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990:82–3 (reprinted with kind permission from the publisher).
1. No disability1.0000.9950.9900.967
2. Slight disability0.9900.9860.9730.932
3. Severe social disability or slight impairment at work0.9800.9720.9560.912
4. Choice of work severely limited0.9640.9560.9420.870
5. Unemployable but able to perform a few simple tasks0.9460.9350.9000.700
6. Confined to chair or wheelchair0.8750.8450.6800.000
7. Confined to bed0.6770.5640.000−1.486
8. Unconscious−1.028