Table 1

 Ethical, medical and public health perspectives on male circumcision

Ethical issueAge group targeted for male circumcision
ConsentParental (proxy) consent onlyAssent and parental consentInformed consent for competent adults
FeasibilityHigh: integration in existing reproductive careLow: possible difficulties in reaching target populationLow: infrequent use of health services by male adults
Risk compensationNot significantSignificantSignificant
Epidemiological impactDistal: 15–20 yearsPotentially immediatePotentially immediate, but lost opportunities for prevention among sexually active adults
HIV testingNot applicablePotential stigma, inadvertent disclosure of parental statusAppropriateness of circumcision when the adult is HIV positive
Burden on health servicesLowest: integration into existing reproductive careHigh: demand may require substantial investment and involvement of traditional healersHigh: demand may require substantial investment and involvement of traditional healers