Table 1

 Attitudes toward aggressive analgesia, terminal sedation, and physician assisted suicide (PAS)

QuestionResponse % (n)
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralUnsureAgreeStrongly agree
Questions are stated exactly as phrased in the questionnaire. There were no more than 11 missing responses to each question.
In terminal illness, it is ethically appropriate to increase analgesics gradually to relieve pain, even if this may unintentionally hasten death.0.5 (2)1 (6)2 (12)0.5 (2)35 (236)61 (408)
If a terminally ill patient has intractable pain despite aggressive analgesia, “terminal sedation” is ethically appropriate.3 (18)5 (35)9 (59)5 (36)37 (245)41 (275)
PAS is ethically appropriate in some circumstances.27 (180)23 (154)13 (92)4 (28)23 (153)10 (66)
Some form of PAS should be legalised in Connecticut.32 (215)21 (142)13 (88)5 (37)20 (134)9 (57)