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The reform of UK research ethics committees: throwing the baby out with the bath water?
  1. S Kerrison,
  2. A M Pollock
  1. School of Public Policy, University College London Hospitals NHS Trust, London, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
 S Kerrison


On 1 May 2004 research ethics committees became legally accountable to a new government body, the United Kingdom Ethics Committee Authority. This marks the end of the self regulation of research ethics. This paper describes how this change in research ethics committee status has come about and explores the implications for research subjects, researchers, institutions, and for regulation of research.

  • RECs
  • ethics
  • regulation
  • research
  • self regulation

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  • S Kerrison is Assistant Director of Research and Development, UCH NHS Foundation Trust and Senior research fellow at School of Public Policy UCL, London.

  • A M Pollock is Director of Research and Development, UCH NHS Foundation Trust and Professor of Health Policy, School of Public Policy, UCL, London.