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Extending preimplantation genetic diagnosis: medical and non-medical uses
  1. J A Robertson
  1. Correspondence to:
 Professor J A Robertson, Law School, University of Texas, 727 Dean Keeton Street, Austin, Texas, USA; 


New uses of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) to screen embryos prior to transfer raise ethical, legal, and policy issues that deserve close attention. Extensions for medical purposes, such as to identify susceptibility genes, late onset disease, and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) matching, are usually ethically acceptable. Whether embryo screening for gender, perfect pitch, or other non-medical characteristics are also acceptable depends upon the parental needs served and the harm posed to embryos, children, and society. Speculations about potential future uses of PGD should not prevent otherwise acceptable current uses of PGD.

  • HLA matching
  • embryo screening
  • gender selection
  • non-medical screening
  • preimplantation genetic diagnosis

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