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What is saving of human life worth in Poland?
  1. M H Madalinski
  1. St Wojciech—Adalbertus Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine II, ul Jana Pawla II 50, 80–462 Gdansk, Poland;

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    The information about patients being murdered by Lodz ambulance doctors using pancuronium bromide (Pavulon), published in the Gazeta Wyborcza,1 was repeated in the international press—for example, in the British Medical Journal.2 The account of a Gazeta Wyborcza reporter who had been working as an undercover stretcher bearer and witnessed the reported events, does not prove that any murder was committed. It was the media that presented the information in a negative light. So far the police have not charged anybody with murder. The ambulance workers and doctors who were selling information about the dead (such as addresses of the deceased and their families) to funeral parlours have been detained.

    Although it has not been proved that any patients were murdered in Lodz, the way the matter was treated by the media (offensive terms were used, such as “trade in skins”) could lead one …

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